Company & Culture
September 30, 2016
8 minute read

What a way to finish the Jewish Year: With a Mitzvah!

The past few weeks, Maot Chitim has been preparing for the Rosh Hashanah holiday by purchasing food, acquiring a warehouse, organizing the packing and delivery date, and working with our recipients to make sure that every person who needs a package, gets one.

What we could not have done on our own was done by the most incredible volunteers who showed up to package and deliver boxes.

The many people lining up to do a Mitzvah before Rosh Hashana.

We are so grateful to every family, organization, and person who showed up for three different days this month for box making, food packing, and personally delivering packages. Our volunteers made this year’s Rosh Hashanah delivery possible. The time that our volunteers dedicated to help does not go unappreciated.

Rosh Hashanah is a time of introspection; to look at our year and decide if we are living up to our full potential. Each person has something they could work on, no matter how big or small. We all have the potential to make our lives and this world full of joy, love, and Mitzvot. With Maot Chitim, we are ensuring that those in need are able to start the Jewish New Year with delicious food.

Some of our many wonderful volunteers who came to help pack boxes of food for Rosh Hashanah 2016.

May you all be written and sealed in the book of life for this year and all your years to come.

Chag Sameyach and L’shana Tova to all!

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