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Maot Chitim is concerned for the ongoing welfare, safety and health of our Community. We have been carefully monitoring the developments surrounding the global spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

Based on the current situation and the State of Illinois restrictions, we are going to be purchasing and delivering Jewel gift cards to our recipients. This will enable them to purchase food for Rosh Hashanah. The change for this holiday will allow us to serve our recipients safely, with less exposure for our volunteers and recipients.

As committed donors and volunteers, we understand you look forward to the packing and delivering food for others. We are sorry we are unable to provide that opportunity. Some of our recipients may require assistance shopping for their food. If you wish to volunteer to to do the grocery shopping, please contact us at

We thank you for your dedication and ongoing support. It is greatly appreciated, and we could not do what we do without your generosity.

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