Spread Hanukkah Cheer this Year!

Hanukkah is right around the corner. There is so much more to the Festival of Lights than eight days of gifts (for the adults among us, at least—we know children simply love exchanging presents) Here are ways we want to encourage you to enjoy this season with some fun and games!
Members of our community celebrate Hanukkah in many ways. Most light one candle for each night of Hanukkah on the menorah for 8 nights. Others also include singing special hymns and reading Jewish scripture. Whatever you choose, there are compelling options for the whole family.
Here are some of the traditions you might include in your Hanukkah celebrations:

Play the Dreidel Game
Spin the dreidel, a small spinning top with Hebrew letters inscribed on all four sides, where it will land, nobody knows. Think of all the games you can play! If you need a refresher, you can download this free cheat-sheet of the official Dreidel rules here!
Stock up on Gelt

Gelt is the Yiddish word for money. Some people know the term because it refers to the famed foil-wrapped chocolate coins often exchanged over Hanukkah. Be sure to stock up and use it to play the Dreidel Game
Indulge in fried food
Oil, originally used to light the menorah, plays a starring role in many of the foods we eat during Hanukkah. Get creative with potato latkes, sufganiyot (delicious jelly donuts), and other delicacies. You can find many Hanukkah recipes in our Maot Chitim Cookbook. Sign-up to receive your free e-cookbook here.

Give to people in need
Whether you prefer to volunteer your time or sponsor a meal for those less fortunate, you can help other Jewish families in our region celebrate Hanukkah the way they deserve.